Emergency Medicine Physician salary in the US
Provides medical care in emergency situations, diagnosing and treating acute illnesses and injuries in emergency rooms or urgent care settings.
In January 25, the median salary range for US emergency medicine physicians jobs was $286K to $373K per year. In this month we've identified salaries as high as $600K, and as low as $72K.
Salary Trend
Median Salary
High Salary
Low Salary
Disclaimer: For some months we found less than 10 jobs with salaries for Emergency Medicine Physician jobs in the US.
A limited dataset might impact the accuracy of the data on this page
Emergency Medicine Physician Salary breakdown for October 2024
The most common maximum salaries in US job vacancies posted last month:
Latest Emergency Medicine Physician jobs with salary


Family Practice OR Internal Medicine Physician Jacksonville FL
Jacksonville, Florida, United States
- Full Time
Salary: $125 per hour


Emergency Medicine Physician
Physician Affiliate Group of New York
Brooklyn, New York, United States
- Other
Salary: $272,678 to $278,063 per year


Emergency Medicine Physician
Physician Affiliate Group of New York
Brooklyn, New York, United States
- Other
Salary: $272,678 to $278,063 per year