Predictive Analytics salary in the US
Uses statistical techniques and machine learning to analyze historical data and make predictions about future events or trends.
In January 25, the median salary range for US Predictive Analytics jobs was $117K to $175K per year. In this month we've identified salaries as high as $400K, and as low as $42K.
Salary Trend
Median Salary
High Salary
Low Salary
Predictive Analytics Salary breakdown for October 2024
The most common maximum salaries in US job vacancies posted last month:
Latest Predictive Analytics jobs with salary


Sales Development Representative
Green Street
Newport Beach, California, United States
Salary: $53,000 per year


Development Officer, Stewardship & Data Mining
United Way of the Bluegrass Inc
Lexington, Kentucky, United States
Salary: $45,000 to $50,000 per year


Senior Paid Search Manager
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
- Full Time
- Remote
Salary: $70,000 to $115,000 per year