Program Coordinator salary in the US
Manages and coordinates programs and projects, ensuring they are completed on time, within budget, and meet organizational goals.
In November 24, the median salary range for US program coordinators jobs was $55K to $70K per year. In this month we've identified salaries as high as $214K, and as low as $20K.
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Program Coordinator Salary breakdown for October 2024
The most common maximum salaries in US job vacancies posted last month:
Latest Program Coordinator jobs with salary
RBT/ABA Program Coordinator
Westside Children's Therapy
Oak Lawn, Illinois, United States
- Other
Salary: $1,750 to $17,500 per year
After-School Program Coordinator
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sonoma-Marin
Santa Rosa, California, United States
Salary: $20 to $20.5 per hour
On-Call Program Coordinator
Life Skills Training and Educational Programs
Irvine, California, United States
- Other
Salary: $19 to $20.5 per hour