Support Coordinator salary in the US
Manages support services for clients or patients, coordinating resources and ensuring their needs are met.
In September 24, the median salary range for US support coordinators jobs was $51K to $62K per year. In this month we've identified salaries as high as $141K, and as low as $14K.
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Support Coordinator Salary breakdown for September 2024
The most common maximum salaries in US job vacancies posted last month:
Latest Support Coordinator jobs with salary
Assisted Living Administrative Support Coordinator
Beatitudes Campus
Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Salary: $22.66 per hour
Clinical Support Coordinator
Provision Living
Fenton, Michigan, United States
Salary: $20 to $22 per hour
Assistant Community Support Coordinator
Apace, formerly Region V Services
Wahoo, Nebraska, United States
Salary: $21.15 to $21.79 per hour